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Let The Wishes Of Ghanaians Prevail, Do Not Rig The Elections For Anyone – Mahama To EC1 min read

Let The Wishes Of Ghanaians Prevail, Do Not Rig The Elections For Anyone – Mahama To EC<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

John Mahama (Left) and Chair of EC Jean Mensa

John Mahama (Left) and Chair of EC Jean Mensa

As elections inch closer, the Flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) into the 2024 elections John Dramani Mahama, is begging the Electoral Commission (EC) not to rig the general election for any candidate.

Speaking to a charged crowd of students of the Wiaso College of Education and Nursing Training in the Western North Region as part of the ‘Building Ghana Together’ tour, the former president said a credible election is dependent on the posture of the Electoral Commission.

“They should do their duty to God and country. They shouldn’t cheat for anybody. I don’t want them to cheat for me and they shouldn’t rig the election for anybody”, John Mahama stressed.

“They should let the wishes of the Ghanaian people prevail,” he said.

“Electoral Commission Officers, I am appealing to your conscience and your heart, on that day 7th December when you come out, do your work as strictly and according to the rules as possible”.

He further stressed that the country ‘needs rescuing’

“I have that experience, I have been President of Ghana before and you all know the work that I did when I was President. I know that on 7th December, 2024, Insha Allah, NDC will win the election”.

He urged the teaming supporters to vote in their numbers to bring the NDC back to power for the country to regain its economic strength.