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Mahama Condemns Coups3 min read

Mahama Condemns Coups<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">3</span> min read</span>

John Mahama


Flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has publicly denounced coup, an illegal and overt attempt by the military to unseat an incumbent leader, saying, “Constitutional governance is still best.”

According to him, constitutional governance empowers citizens to change their leaders peacefully if they believe they are not functioning in their best interests.

His remarks follow the recent takeover in Niger, which was spearheaded by soldiers from the presidential guard and is only the latest in a series of coups in recent years in Africa.

In 2022, there were two coups in Burkina Faso as well as failed coup attempts in Guinea Bissau, The Gambia and the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe.

Since then, some opposition elements have been playing to the gallery, wishing for a military takeover as a political ploy in response to the current economic woes.

But Mr. Mahama dismissed the suggestion in a social media post on Sunday, stating, “Constitutional governance is still best. It allows us to peacefully change our leaders if we believe they are not working in the interest of the people!”

He also appears to be doing a countdown for the 2024 general election, writing, “483 days to go for the verdict of the people.”

Mr. Mahama is staging a comeback to the presidency after he lost in 2016 and 2020 to President Akufo-Addo of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

He led Ghana as President from July 24, 2012 to January 6, 2013 for the unexpired term of former President J.E.A. Mills following his demise.

He was elected to lead the country from January 7, 2013 to January 6, 2017.


Meanwhile, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, General Overseer of the Action Chapel International Ministry, has issued an impassioned plea to members of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) to uphold the rule of law.

According to him, the military should not be incited to overthrow the government in response to the nation’s current economic challenges.

During a church service on Saturday, August 12, 2023, Archbishop Duncan-Williams addressed recent video recordings circulating on social media in which some young people insulted and dared the Ghana Army to intervene in the economic crisis.

“I looked at it and said, this young man was born today. He was not born yesterday. We pray for the GAF that God will bless and protect them and that nothing will provoke them to do anything outside of the rule of law,” Archbishop Duncan-Williams intimated.

He underlined the significance of justice as a foundation for peace, saying, “Justice is one of the things that guarantees peace.”

He said peace is the presence of justice rather than the absence of war.

Archbishop Duncan-Williams also emphasised the importance of upholding the constitution and the rule of law in order to sustain a viable democracy.

Despite the nation’s difficult situation, he urged the maintenance of competent government and democratic processes.

“When you change from law to anarchy, nothing works, and that is why we came back to party politics. When we remove the rule of law and take the law into our hands, there will be all kinds of chaos and there will be no progress,” he noted.

By Ernest Kofi Adu


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