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Mahama Woos Expat Investors To Come To Ghana2 min read

Mahama Woos Expat Investors To Come To Ghana<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
Former President John Dramani Mahama has outlined the investment opportunities that exist in Ghana to Korean investors in a bid to woo them to invest in the West African country.

In his keynote address at the Korean-Africa Business Summit, he said that there is a high demand for technology solutions in Ghana’s agriculture value chain and agri-business.

A viable partnership can be developed to provide digital solutions for producing animals and crops, he added.

He also told the expatriate investors that Ghana has a significant endowment in natural resources. Ghana is blessed with gold, bauxite, manganese, oil, and, lately, lithium.

“Food production and Agri-business are other areas in which Africa has a comparative

“There is a demand for technology solutions in Ghana’s agriculture value chain and agri-business. A viable partnership can be developed to provide digital solutions for producing animals and crops.

“Ghana has a significant endowment in natural resources. Ghana is blessed with gold, bauxite, manganese, oil, and, lately, lithium. A collaboration between Ghana and Korea to use Ghanaian lithium to build batteries for the EV revolution in the world would be a mutually beneficial venture. Korea is a leading shipbuilding nation. Ghana has a shipyard built by our first President,” he said.

He added “It requires retooling and efficient management. A partnership between the Korean shipbuilding industry and the Ghana Ports and Habours Authority (GPHA) will make the shipyard the sole provider of services to merchant vessels and oil vessels from Mauritania to Namibia.

“There is an excellent opportunity for the introduction of feeder vessels along the coast of Africa to redistribute African-produced goods and imported cargo at a more optimal cost than is currently the case.

“The power sector presents an enormous opportunity for Korean investments in Africa. The
continent has a huge demand for energy to drive its economic growth. Korea has the
technology and know-how in the traditional energy sector and renewables. There is no better case for cooperation than this.”

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