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Man Butchers Wife At Nungua; Family Demands Justice1 min read

Man Butchers Wife At Nungua; Family Demands Justice<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

A 25-year-old woman has allegedly been murdered by her husband at Nungua in the Greater Accra Region.

The deceased, whose name was only given as Eunice, was hacked with a cutlass during a scuffle with her husband.

According to reports, the young lady died on the spot after the attack. The suspect was also said to have attacked his father-in-law.

Eunice had moved out of the house due allegedly to the constant emotional and physical abuse by her husband.

Father of the deceased, Ebenezer Dwomoh, in an interview said they are still in shock.

He explained that, Eunice went to her husband’s house to present a summons letter from the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit of the police when the incident occurred.

Mr Dwomoh described his son in-law as a serial wife-beater, a habit which forced his daughter to move out of the house.

“Eunice moved out of the house because she could no longer take the beatings, so this man decided to make life a living-hell for her. He will even come to our house and beat her,” he bemoaned.

What broke the camel’s back, Mr Dwomoh said, was when Eunice threatened divorce.

“He follows my daughter everywhere she goes and beat her until he finally killed her that fateful day,” he added.

After committing the heinous crime, he said the suspect tried to escape but residents in the area managed to apprehend him and subjected him to severe beating.

Mr Dwomoh said but for the timely intervention of the police, the suspect would have been lynched.

He appealed to the Ghana Police Service to ensure the suspect faces the full rigours of the law.

“We will follow this issue until this guy is jailed. We want justice for Eunice,” Mr Dwomoh stressed.

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