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Meet The Man – Haruna Iddrisu Who Delivered 100% Promise To John Mahama2 min read

Meet The Man – Haruna Iddrisu Who Delivered 100% Promise To John Mahama<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

Former Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu has carried through his promise of delivering 100% votes for former President John Dramani Mahama.

At the close of polls in the just-ended Presidential and Parliamentary Primaries of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) across the country, Mahama polled 2,068 in the Tamale South Constituency representing 100% with zero votes appease for Dr. Kwabena Duffuor and Kojo Bonsu.

The lawmaker himself was also popularly acclaimed as no one challenged him at the contest.

Reports had suggested a frosty relationship between Haruna Iddrisu and former President Mahama following a change in the leadership of parliament.

But during his recent tour of the Northern Region,  says he has no problem with any of the Northern Region Members of Parliament(MPs) as being perceived.

He says claims that he does not like some of the party’s representatives in Parliament he described as his younger brothers as the figment of the imagination of people peddling falsehood.

The former President made this known when he was in the Northern Region as part of his campaign tour. John Dramani Mahama said he sees the party’s representatives in Parliament as his younger brothers who he will hand over the party to after he is done with his mandate.

“And I know that some people like conspiracy theories…And this one doesn’t like this one and this one is fighting this one. Count me out, I have no enemy in the Northern Region. All of them are my younger brothers. Hudu Yahaya and Co started it and then we are the next generation after Hudu and Co. I know that Haruna and co will come after us.

We will finish it and handover to them. They will lead us. So let us all be together and forget about the conspiracy theories and recording tapes and insulting everybody. If you’re a true NDC member, what you are doing is rather destroying the party not uniting it,” he said.

Haruna Iddrisu also promised to deliver 100% to John Mahama at the primaries to show there was no bad blood between them.

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