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Menzgold Saga: Over 60% Of Claims Are Fake – Management1 min read

Menzgold Saga: Over 60% Of Claims Are Fake – Management<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


Menzgold has released an update on their efforts to bring closure to the gold trading indebted claims brought against them.

Menzgold announced that after thorough scrutiny and validations, over 60percent of the total claims received were ineligible due to a variety of issues such as irregularities, fake supporting documents, and false claims.

In a statement released on Friday August 11, 2023 sent to DGN Online, the company is now asking clients who believe they have eligible and genuine claims to proceed to verify their gold trading transactions status.

The company said clients can acquire a “Menzgold Traders Transactions Status Verification Access Card” from Payboy Company Limited and/or any of its underlisted agents to digitally verify their transaction claim eligibility.

Stressing further, Menzgold noted that valid transactions will be assigned a full debt settlement definite date, clearly indicated on their eligibility report to be paid via a direct bank wire transfer.
However, for invalid transactions, aggrieved genuine customers will be permitted to seek redress by submitting a ‘Challenge Form’ within a given timeframe. Menzgold will undertake a thorough review of the request and determine the eligibility or otherwise of the claim.

Special cases that require personal engagements, negotiations, and possible renegotiations will also be addressed by Menzgold. The company has established a comprehensive closure plan/roadmap with scheduled dates for the acquisition of the Menzgold Traders Transactions Status Verification Access Card, collections of invalid transactions report, and challenge request.

Menzgold has expressed its gratitude to clients for their continued support, prayers, and valued cooperation in this matter. For further clarification, clients can contact Menzgold.

Find copy of the statement attached

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