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Muntaka Wants Independent Probe Into Death Of Asawase Youth; Finds Gaps In Police Account1 min read

Muntaka Wants Independent Probe Into Death Of Asawase Youth; Finds Gaps In Police Account<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The death of Salawudeen, popularly called Shilah, sparked outrage among Asawase youth who stormed the Asawase Police Station and vandalised property worth millions of Cedis.

According to them, the deceased was innocent and was only a victim of police brutality, which have seen many Zongo youth killed for no reason.

The Minister of Interior, Ambrose Dery, had told Parliament on Tuesday, August 1 that the deceased was released by the police, after a swoop in the area, but threw himself into a wall, suffering some internal bleeding which may have led to his death.

This, he said, was an account from the police, who are still investigating the incident.

But reacting to this, Alhaji Muntaka, who is a former Youth and Sports Minister, said there are “a lot of gaps in the police account”.

“I continue to have trust in you as a Minister,” he referred to his colleague MP for Nandom, “but I don’t know whether we can continue to have trust in the police administration.”

“Mr Speaker, it is on this that I will want just as we did with the Zongo 7, if the House will agree with me, for us to investigate this independent of the police .

“Because the police have created credibility gaps in the past where they will tell you one thing and say they are still investing and you will never hear anything.”

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