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Museveni Out Of Danger, Says Brother4 min read

Museveni Out Of Danger, Says Brother<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">4</span> min read</span>
President Museveni is scheduled to undergo his possibly final Covid-19 test tomorrow to ascertain if he has recovered from the disease.

Mr Museveni, who has been in self-isolation since June 7 after contracting Covid-19, is expected to resume official duties immediately should the tests come out negative.

This was revealed during the national prayers held at the office of the national chairperson in Kyambogo, Kampala, yesterday. The prayers were organised to ask God to heal Mr Museveni.

His brother, Mr Shadrack Nzeire Kaguta, asked the congregants to wish Mr Museveni a quick recovery.

“The President is already out of danger. I happened to get in touch with him on Monday on the phone and he told me he is okay and just observing the standard operating procedures from the Ministry of Health as he waits for the final test probably on Thursday this week,” he said.

“The President… has started his normal duties like handling some paperwork while in isolation,” Mr Nzeire added.

Commenting on those wishing his brother’s early death, Mr Nzeire said: “Those wishing others death are cannibals because you can’t jubilate because another person is sick. We all have the same blood, regardless of political affiliation because we are all created by God let’s leave all this hatred and love each other because when he dies you are next,” he said.

Since he contracted the virus, Mr Museveni has been issuing regular updates regarding his health on social media.

During the prayers politicians, religious leaders, National Resistance Movement (NRM) supporters and other well-wishers prayed for the President’s quick recovery.

Ms Hadijah Namyalo, the manager of ONC, asked God to grant the President a quick recovery because Ugandans, especially the “grandchildren” (Bazukulu) are missing his services, wisdom and guidance a lot.

“Lord, we pray that you protect our dear President and continue giving him wisdom so that he leads our country forever until he gets tired. We the Bazukulu are losing out, we are bleeding, angered by Jaja’s continued sickness I pray that Lord, please heal him for us,” she said.

She added: “It is not time for him to leave, we shall remain orphans. We want him to be protected from evil. Some people are praying for him to die. Lord, I pray that you kill them first, bewitch those who are trying to bewitch them.”

Ms Namyalo said Ugandans, especially the Bazukulu are still in need of Mr Museveni’s leadership and continued guidance because his death will be a serious blow to them.

“Our leaders are calm but there are people who deliberately choose to provoke peaceful people so that they become hostile. They are good at provoking violence. We need to remain peaceful in order to all calmly co-exist,” Ms Namyalo said.

Mr Salim Uhuru, the mayor of Kampala Central, said the President’s leadership and wisdom is needed now more than ever before.

“We the leaders of NRM in Kampala wish the President quick recovery. He should return and start doing his work,” he said.

Religious leaders cautioned Ugandans to desist from celebrating people’s sickness and death.

“It has become a norm in this country that whenever some people get sick or die, a certain portion of the population celebrates. This is a bad custom which should be stopped with immediate effect,” Sheikh Ali Waiswa, the deputy Mufti of the Uganda Supreme Council (UMSC), said.

“We are known for harmoniously living together and forgiving each other. Don’t laugh at those in problems because those problems will eventually come to your doorstep,” he added.

MK movement 
During the prayers, President Museveni’s brother, Mr Shadrack Nzeire Kaguta, said the MK project dubbed standby generator is on its own and he cannot support it.

The project aims at supporting Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the First Son and a presidential advisor, to take on the presidency from his father in 2026.

“We shall continue supporting the Jaja Omalako. Those issues of standby generators should not sway you away. In NRM, we have clear structures on how we choose leaders. I can further assure you that we shall support the Tova ku Main up to last,” he said.

When contacted for a comment, Mr David Kabanda, a member of the MK Movement, said: “We are in the same movement with him because he is our coordinator in Ankole region, so right now I can’t respond to those statements until I listen to the audio where he spoke about it and hear exactly what he said, I will respond when I listen to the audio.”


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