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My Wife And I Are No More – Salinko Confirms Divorce Rumours1 min read

Kumawood actor Abraham Davis, known professionally as Salinko has confirmed that he is no more married to his wife, Nancy Owusu.

He confirmed this during an exclusive interview.

While the interview was ongoing, a fan sent a message to inquire as to whether Salinko and his wife had separated.

Responding to a message, the actor said, “yes wifee and I are no more.”

According to Salinko, his wife left the matrimonial home on the basis that she was “fed up” in the marriage.

He revealed that they have been separated as far back as 2021, adding that the development even affected his mental health.

Ghanaians have, however, expressed shock about the news as the two were mostly seen together as “lovebirds” at social events.



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