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NDC Gov’t Will Cancel Teachers’ Licensure Exam, Not License – Former Deputy Education Minister Clarifies1 min read

NDC Gov’t Will Cancel Teachers’ Licensure Exam, Not License – Former Deputy Education Minister Clarifies<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

A former Deputy Minister of Education under the erstwhile John Mahama administration, Hon. Alex Kyeremeh has set the records straight on former President John Mahama’s statement that he will cancel the teachers’ licensure exam if he wins the 2024 general election.

Hon. Kyeremeh explained that John Mahama and the NDC government will only cancel the licensure exams and not the Teachers’ licenses.

Speaking on the Ama Ghana Morning Show on Time FM, he said John Mahama will give license to every trained teacher.

He told Nana Kwabena Ampratwum that the licensure exam is not mandatory but the NPP government has made it compulsory.

He lamented that the trained teachers do not have a syllabus to learn to know where and how the questions will be set.

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