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No Jokes With Election 2024 – Mahama2 min read

No Jokes With Election 2024 – Mahama<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

Former President John Dramani Maham


Former President John Mahama says that the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC had already prepared mentally, physically, and psychologically to police the ballot boxes very well.

According to him, “We are not going to joke in the upcoming 2024 general elections. That’s why I said it’s a do-or-die affair”.

Mr. Mahama who said this when he addressed party executives and delegates in the Abuakwa South, Abuakwa North, Fanteakwa South, and Fanteakwa North constituencies in the Eastern Region as part of his three-day campaign tour of the Eastern Region on Wednesday added that “any attempt by the governing NPP to rig the 2024 general elections would not be allowed by the NDC”.

H said, “The NPP should not even think of rigging the elections because the NDC would mark them boot for boot”.

Mr. Mahama further entreated constituency executives to be resolute and resist any move by the NPP to rig the 2024 general elections.

Mr. Mahama further noted that the NDC would not countenance any move by the NPP to rig the elections.

On the issue of National Organiser of the party Henry Nana Boakye popularly known as ‘Nana B’ who has petitioned the CID to arrest the National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and John Mahama on some treasonable comments that they made, Mr. Mahama said his ‘do-or-die’ comments have been twisted by his political opponents, adding that his comments were not intended to incite violence in the 2024 general elections.

According to him, he only meant that the 2024 polls are crucial for the NDC and the party will not joke with it.

“No, that’s not the ‘do or I die’ I meant. Do or die means the election is a very crucial one for NDC to win, so we will not joke about it. It doesn’t mean that we will beat people with sticks and kill them,” Mr. Mahama clarified.

Already, the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) has petitioned the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Police Service to arrest him for allegedly making treasonable remarks.

According to him, Mr. Asiedu Nketiah has also made comments that portend great danger to the peace and stability of the country.

He said the two personalities wield influential positions in the country and as such any dangerous comments from them could jeopardize the country’s security.

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