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NPP Renders Apology To UTV Following The Intrusion Of Thugs Into The Studios1 min read

NPP Renders Apology To UTV Following The Intrusion Of Thugs Into The Studios<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has issued an apology to the management of Despite Media and the United Showbiz program for the interruption that occurred during Saturday’s episode of the entertainment program.

The UTV showbiz night program was brought to a halt by some individuals barging into the studio during a live broadcast of the weekly entertainment analysis show with hostile intentions and sought to confront regular pundit Kwame A Plus, who had criticized and torn apart a letter sent by the NPP regarding program reform.

Richard Ahiagbah, the communications director of the NPP, addressed the situation and clarified that the group of men involved in the disruption was not officially affiliated with the NPP.

He mentioned that he received a call from UTV about the unfortunate incident and rushed to the premises to investigate.

Ahiagbah expressed his disappointment with the disruption, stating, “This show has been entertaining, and we all watch it, so when I heard about the chaos, I wasn’t happy. I had to rush here after receiving a call from one of the show’s producers.”

He further stated, “I’m informed that some individuals alleged to be affiliated with the NPP were directed to disrupt the show, but I want to clarify that the party has not ordered any group of individuals to cause commotion on the show. It is regrettable that this incident occurred. As a party, we do not support any form of violence, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.”

Ahiagbah mentioned that the police have taken custody of the individuals involved, and their statements will be used to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, aiming to resolve it amicably.