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#OccupyJulorBiHouse Demo: Interior Minister Should Resign With Immediate Effect – Inusah Fuseini1 min read

#OccupyJulorBiHouse Demo: Interior Minister Should Resign With Immediate Effect – Inusah Fuseini<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Private Legal Practitioner, Inusah Fuseini has called for the head of the Interior Minister Ambrose Derry following the arrest of over 50 protesters of the #OccupyJulorBiHouse demonstration.

Inusah Fuseini said Ambrose Derry should take responsibility for the unlawful conduct of the police.

In an interview on the Ama Ghana Morning Show on Time FM 97.7Mhz in Kumasi, he said the Accra-based civil society group, Democracy Hub should sue the Inspector General of Police, George Akufo Dampare.

The former Tamale Central MP said the action of the Police was illegal, impunity, and brutal use of force.

Meanwhile, the protesters who were apprehended have been released on bail.