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Okada Rider Killed At Kwarfokurom2 min read

Okada Rider Killed At Kwarfokurom<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

The deceased was allegedly killed by some pillion passengers he picked on Sunday night and his body was found in a pool of blood by residents the next day.

Reports say the deceased engaged in the Okada business after completing Senior High School to support his widowed mother and siblings.
The deceased mother, who couldn’t hold her tears explained that “I received a call that Mensah has been killed. I did not believe it. I did not find any Motorcycle riders in the community’’.

According to her, ‘’I was told they had all converged at the scene where my son was found. It took a while before I could get there. When we got there, we were told, the case is now with the state.”

She added that “I have had no one since their father died. I solely took care of them. Who will help me now, my son was not troublesome?”

At the family house, where the neighbours besieged the place to mourn with the family, the former Member of Parliament, Samuel Ayepaye, who visited the house to sympathize with them called for improved security in the area and adjoining districts due to pockets of attacks on motorcycle riders.

He said “The use of motorcycles for transport business is still illegal, but it has become the source of livelihood for the young ones. A motorcycle was stolen from a resident days ago. Another was attacked by a pillion passenger. These are security threats emerging that the IGP must respond to.”

He asked the Kwarfokurom residents to remain calm and urged the police to arrest the perpetrators.

Meanwhile, the body of the deceased has since been deposited at a morgue pending autopsy.

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