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“Part Payment Of 2022 Arrears Received But We Give You 14 Days” – National Food Suppliers Association1 min read

“Part Payment Of 2022 Arrears Received But We Give You 14 Days” – National Food Suppliers Association<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>



National Food Suppliers Association (NAFSA)

We write to acknowledge receipt of part payment of the 2022 arrears owed members of the National Food Suppliers Association by National Food Buffer Stock Company. We are expecting to receive the balance on the 17th of August 2023 as promised by the Minister of Food and Agriculture.

We thank the General Public and all Media Houses for their supports and shared sentiments thus far..

Special thanks goes to the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Hon Brian Acheampong, for his intervention that led to the recovery of a part of our 2022 arrears.

However, we are struggling to come to terms with how the Ministry of Education is currently disbursing the 2023 arrears to ONLY those who have supplied foodstuffs for the period through Commodity Exchange to the neglect of our members who had also supplied foodstuffs since January 2023, through the National Food Buffer Stock Company.

We are reliably informed that, the 2023 arrears owed to suppliers have been released to the Ministry of Education for disbursement, but only those who have supplied through Commodity Exchange are the people being paid and our members who did their supply through National Food Buffer Stock Company are left to their fate.

We wish to humbly remind the Minister of Education, that, we have all worked for the government, whether through Commodity Exchange or National Buffer Stock Company and we all desire and deserve to be treated equally.

We are, by this release, serving notice and notice is hereby served to the Ministry of Education and National Food Buffer Stock Company that, if we do not receive all our arrears for both 2022 and 2023 within 14 days after this notice, we will advise ourselves.

Yours Truly,


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