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Pastor With 3 Wives Fined For Snatching Church Member’s Wife3 min read

Pastor With 3 Wives Fined For Snatching Church Member’s Wife<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">3</span> min read</span>

The Acting – Head Pastor of the Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies situated at Kumasi Adiebeba, in the Ashanti Region, Michaiah Addai has been fined by the Manhyia Palace to slaughter four sheep and also pay GHC20,000 for snatching his own church member’s wife.

The incident occurred last week when five-member panel sat on the case on the charge of allegedly snatching a Church member’s wife at the Asantehemaa’s Palace and pronounced him guilty as charged.

Michaiah Addai has been prevailed to pay GHC20,000 to Kofi Adjei, his own Church member whose wife he has allegedly snatched.

The church member who the pastor snatched his wife, Mr. Adjei presenting the facts to the Asantehemaa’s court said he got married to his wife Gloria Amponsah for the past 21 years.

According to him, after the customary rites were fully performed by both family members of the couple, Pastor Michaiah Addai also blessed the marriage since they were full-time members of the church.

Briefing the Ahenfie Court, Kofi Adjei explained that after staying together as a happy couple for 21 years without offending each other, the wife suddenly showed some signs of divorce.

He lamented that “Gloria Amponsay started insulting, misbehaving and castigating me with unprintable words as if l am a house boy to her at least attempt l demands her service’’.

Mr. Adjei said that prompted by the conduct of the wife, he reported the case to Pastor Michaiah Addai and the church elders for a solution, but to his utmost dismay, Pastor Michaiah Addai told him point blank that, the wife Gloria Amponsah, had reported to him that she had divorced and presented a schnapps to his ( Adjei’s) family members and therefore the church cannot help him to patch up the marriage.

Interestingly, he said “Two days later l was informed that my wife was staying with Michaiah Addai as a married couple, and for more than one and a half years, all efforts to convince my wife to return have hit the rocks’’.

He claimed, “Hence feeling cheated l finds it prudent to initiate summons against the Michaiah Addai at the Manhyia Palace to explain the full interpretations of how a married woman who has not been customarily divorced be snatched by a man of God according to Asante custom’’.
In his defense at the Manhyia palace on the fateful Tuesday, June 13, 2023, Michaiah Addai, said he took over Gloria Amponsah from Kofi Adjei as wife because Gloria Amponsah had told him that she had divorced the husband.

Unable to answer the question that Kofi Adjei referred his wife’s conduct to him (Pastor Michaiah Addai) and church members for amicable settlement but was treated with contempt, the Pastor said all he knows is that the woman he snatched is divorced.

Pastor Michaiah Addai, worsened his case more when he further told the panel that he has since not performed any customary rites to the family of the woman (Gloria Amponsah) he snatched.

He added that he resorts to Jewish marriage ordinances and customs where a divorced woman hardly needs second customs on her next marriage.

But Pastor Michaiah Addai, who was shaking like a wet dog and failed to answer more intelligent questions from sub-chiefs spilled the beans when he admitted his offense and consequently customarily fined four sheep for violating Ashanti customs on marriage and also made to compensate Adjei with an amount of GHC20,000.00.

Upon the judgment of the case, Pastor Michaiah Addai who already has three wives was made to customarily slaughter four sheep to pacify the gods of the land.

However, Michaiah’s pleadings through a prominent Kumasi Chief convinced Nananom (panel members) to accept two sheep which were converted into a local currency of GHC6000, to which the so-called man of God quickly made payment.

A handful of the Church members who had the opportunity to accompany and defend their Pastor, Michaiah Addai, were shocked to the bone at the judgment.

Meanwhile, the case has been adjourned to tomorrow Tuesday, June 20, 2023 for the final verdict.

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