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Plan International Ghana Supports Ghanaian Milead Fellows1 min read

Plan International Ghana Supports Ghanaian Milead Fellows<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


Plan International Ghana, a leading girls and child rights organization has supported two exceptional young women leaders from Ghana to participate in the 2023 Milead Fellows Institute.

Milead fellowship is an initiative of the Moremi Initiative for African women.

Moremi Initiative for Women’s Leadership in Africa announced and welcomed 26 outstanding young African women leaders representing 26 countries as part of the 2023 cohort of MILEAD Fellowship.

The 26 Fellows were selected through a highly competitive process by a diverse selection committee from over 3,100 applications.

Each candidate was assessed based on their demonstrated community service accomplishments, outstanding leadership promise, and commitment to the advancement of women and social justice in Africa.

Two among the only three Ghanaians selected for the fellowship program, Dr Rahama Issah and Portia Dumba got scholarship from Plan International Ghana to participate in the program and implement their community impact projects.

“I am a member of the Plan International Alumni Network in Ghana and have been groomed a lot by Plan programs. I was given the opportunity to attend the Global Girls Summit outside Ghana by Plan International, an experience I will leave for another day. Shortly, Plan International is brave space for young people and home for countless opportunities for growth.”