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Pursue Killers Of 7 Ghanaians During 2020 Polls The Same Way You Are Tackling Quayson – Ablakwa1 min read

Pursue Killers Of 7 Ghanaians During 2020 Polls The Same Way You Are Tackling Quayson – Ablakwa<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
North Tongu Member of Parliament Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has accused the government of viciousness and fiendishness in the matter of Assin North Member of Parliament James Gyakye Quayson.

Mr Ablakwa in a tweet said “Shouldn’t government be exhibiting just a fraction of the viciousness & fiendishness with which they have pursued Hon. James Quayson by going after those who callously killed 7 harmless & hapless Ghanaians during the 2020 elections? Parliamentary votes over human lives? Despicable!”

The apex court on Wednesday, May 17 unanimously ruled that the name of Assin North Member of Parliament, James Gyakye Quayson, should be expunged from the records of Parliament.

This was after plaintiff Michael Ankomah Nimfah filed an application early this year, seeking among others, a true and proper interpretation of Article 94(2)(a) of the 1992 Constitution.

He sought to invoke the original jurisdiction of the apex court of the land to declare the election of Mr Gyakye Quayson as unconstitutional.

Article 94(2)(a) of the 1992 Constitution states: “A person shall not be qualified to be a member of Parliament if he owes allegiance to a country other than Ghana.”

The lawyer for the Plaintiff, Mr Frank Davies welcomed the order.

He told journalists after the court hearing that “we have to protect the sanctity of the constitution, we are satisfied that the Law Lords, all seven of them, have unanimously agreed with the position we have held all along and at all times material that James Gyekye Quayson was not qualified under the dictates of Constitution of the Republic to have contested as a Member of Parliament for Assin North Constituency.

“It has been a long road but today finally the judgment has been handed and we have a clear indication as to what the provision on dual citizenship in respect of contest for an MP.”

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