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Queen Mothers Frown On Intemperate Political Language2 min read

Queen Mothers Frown On Intemperate Political Language<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

The Queen Mothers Foundation (QMF) a non-Profit Organisation consisting of Queen Mothers in Ghana, says it is worried about the rising spate of the use of intemperate language in politics.

It has therefore called on political actors to be mindful of the situation and help sanitize the media platforms.

The President of QMF, Nana Serwaa Bonsu, stated that “When we say decency or decent language in politics it should evoke respect, kindness, courage, integrity, reason and tolerance. It is an unquestionable duty and belief for all of us to promote and protect the dignity of all people irrespective of social status, political persuasion, gender and religion.”

She made this call at a press conference on Decency in politics which was held yesterday in Accra. The press conference which was organised by the QMF, seeks to commence series of advocacy activities to put and sustain the issue of decency and temperate language in our body politics on the front burner.

She also added that going forward they will rebuke individuals, groups, political parties, CSO’s and pressure groups who exhibit such indecent conduct and use reprehensive languages on any platform.

She advised the media to desist from giving their platform to troublemakers or people with hidden agendas to fan the flame of conflict.

“Media networks and organisations which allow their platforms to be used or churn out such incendiary comment and conduct will not be spared”

Nana Serwaa therefore called on the fourth estate of realm, the media, in the pursuit of higher listenership, readership and viewership not to allow itself to become a destabilizing medium or factor.

Member of the QMF, Hajia Fatima Umar, urged the youth in the Zongo community not to allow politicians to use them to foment trouble and perpetrate violence during and after election.

They should identify the roles they could play in sustaining the country’s peace and the development of their community.