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Reverence Preparatory School Prepares to Shine in Basic Schools Assessment Competition: “We Won’t Disappoint Offinso!”1 min read

Reverence Preparatory School Prepares to Shine in Basic Schools Assessment Competition: “We Won’t Disappoint Offinso!”<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Old Offinso’s Reverence Preparatory School is ready to prove their excellence by joining the Perfect Star Media and Perfect Grade Publications & Stationery Basic Schools Assessment Competition.

Their audition, held on Tuesday, 11/06/2024, was met with jubilation and a palpable sense of readiness.

Nana Kwame Wiafe, Director of Reverence Preparatory School, in an exclusive interview with shared their motivation for joining, citing their reliance on Perfect Series Textbooks and the invaluable support these resources offer to their students. The school’s commitment to excellence, underscored by their ‘A’ grade status, fuels their determination not to falter.

With lofty aspirations, Nana Kwame Wiafe anticipated making Offinso proud through their performance in the competition.

He offered reassuring words to the learners, urging them to approach the assessment with calmness, drawing on their regular practice sessions as a source of confidence.

Echoing this sentiment, teachers affirmed their belief in the school’s capabilities, emphasizing their eagerness to showcase their educational prowess.

According to the teachers this competition as a platform to elevate the school’s reputation and validate their top-notch teaching methods.

Buoyed by their preparation and the experience gained from the assessment, students voiced optimism about their prospects, aspiring to excel and achieve commendable results.

Head of the assessment team, Mr. Martin Opoku, commended the learners’ performance, noting the pleasant surprises observed among students who surpassed expectations.

He emphasized the competition’s role in unveiling latent talents within the student body, signaling an exciting journey ahead..