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Richard Kumadoe: Assassination attempt on President Trump and the lessons for African Politicians1 min read

Richard Kumadoe: Assassination attempt on President Trump and the lessons for African Politicians<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Having worked in my previous role as a secret service agent, responsible for presidential protection duties, political security-risk assessment and intelligence analysis, I can clearly understand the anxiety, tension and contestation issues surrounding this disdainful assasination event that took place in America.

Politics breeds hatred, and creates political tensions between opposing groups, and if it’s not managed properly, the negativity of public political activities, predominantly, personal attacks and character assassination can further lead to public safety concerns for frontline political actors.

Having said that, VIP & VVIP security protection exercises are very skillful events, full of uncertainties and imaginative acts, it is therefore important for protective officers and secret service agents in particular, to be motivated to deliver the best services at all times:

Any lapses and lack of diligence on the part of service providers and clients may jeopardise the basic rule of mandatory operational requirements, and may lead to casualties for protective clients.

In the case of Preaident Trump, among many other reasons, it’s clear, there was lack of systematic intelligence coordination, lack of key observatory duties and further lack of diligence by his protective officers, mainly, the secret service agents attached to the President.

African Politicians must learn from these lessons and ensure, the right moments are always created for safer and smoother political campaigns, devoid of acrimonious nature and personal attacks, whilst their security operations officers are well-trained and well-motivated to do what is right and acceptable at all times, without being compromised or coerced for awful potential outcomes, which might disadvantage political opponents, and other issues, leading to community and national instability.

Those who have ears, let them listen. Thank you.

Richard Kumadoe
Security Consultant
Founder, Independent Election Security and compliance watchers.