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Indelible Ink: Use Or Don’t Use – Richard Kumadoe Writes1 min read

Indelible Ink: Use Or Don’t Use – Richard Kumadoe Writes<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The introduction of the Indelible Ink into the voting activities in Ghana, is with the purpose of marking the finger of a voter, who has cast his/her ballot in an election, at a particular polling station, or for the broad identification of same.

The use of the Indelible Ink on voters, also serves as, a key election security control measure: an important tool for the prevention of double-voting, multiple voting, and/or election malfeasance, to a very large extent.

Sidelining, or ignoring the use of the Indelible Ink, in the 2024 national elections, coupled with the inherited vulnerabilities associated with digital devices, such as, the Biometric verification machines, might be paving the way, for an increased election fraud vulnerabilities.

Waving a key election security control measure: the application of Indelible Ink to the fingers of voters, on election d-day, has the likelihood potential of raising critical issues, such as, transparency, fairness, and election Fraud-Risk, RED FLAGS.

Let’s be mindful, and proceed with maximum care, and thoughtfulness, especially, when national elections, in recent years, has posed many major national security threats, to nations within the West African Zone.

Richard Kumadoe
Founder, Independent Election Security and compliance.