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Russian Embassy Speaks On Wagner Rally In Ghana1 min read

Russian Embassy Speaks On Wagner Rally In Ghana<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ghana has refuted claims that it has connection to a group of young men who recently held an unauthorized rally in Diabene, in the Western Region.

This comes after the young men, aged between 23 and 26, organized a march to show their support for the Russian mercenary group known as Wagner, but were apprehended and taken before the Takoradi Harbour Circuit Court.

The Embassy has denied all allegations that it was involved in the gathering, and reiterated that it reported the illegal gathering to the Ghana Police Service once it learned of it.

The Embassy also expressed confidence that Ghana’s laws would take the necessary measures to identify those involved in the incident and bring them to justice.

Additionally, the Embassy promised to act in strict accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and work to build respectful relationships with Ghana in the interest of both countries’ peoples.