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Sack Cecilia Abena Dapaah With Immediate Effect – Minority To Prez2 min read

Sack Cecilia Abena Dapaah With Immediate Effect – Minority To Prez<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
Some members on the side of the Minority Caucus have asked President Akufo-Addo to immediately sack the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah.

They want her to be sacked for allegedly keeping US$1 million, €300,000, and millions of Ghana Cedis at her home.

The MPs made the call after it emerged that the house helps of the minister robbed her home.

The Members of Parliament for Bole Bamboi and Kumbungu made the demand.

The Bole Bamboi MP, Yussif Sulemana said “I expect the President to fire her if it’s true that she kept that huge sum of money in her house. The question is where did she get the money? If indeed that money was legitimate, why did she put it in her house instead of the bank? If it is indeed established that this woman was keeping such sums of money, the first thing is for the President to sack her.

“That’s the only way we would know that the President is fighting corruption. The President must act and act immediately. The next stage is that any state institution interested in investigating her could do so freely.”

On his part, the Kumbungu lawmaker, Hamza Adam said: “Every minister of state has the right to own properties provided those properties are owned on the back of legitimacy. The issue surrounding Cecilia Dapaah is something that has come up as a shock, especially when everyone knows that the country is in a crisis. It will be surprising if indeed such monies were kept by her in her house. We have to establish the truth of the matter.”

“We are expecting the proper legal action to be taken and an investigation triggered to establish where she got the money from. I think it is illegal to keep such money in your house,” the Kumbungu MP added.


A publication by the Chronicle newspaper says huge sums of money and other items of Sanitation Minister Cecilia Abena Dapaah and her husband, Daniel Osei Kuffour have been stolen from their Abelemkpe home.

The incident happened between July and October last year.

The Chronicle newspaper reports that two house helps – Patience Botwe, 18, and Sarah Agyei, 30 – are currently facing charges before the Court for their alleged involvement in the theft.

The accused persons are facing one count of conspiracy to commit a crime and five counts of stealing, involving amounts of US$1 million, €300,000, and millions of Ghana Cedis.

The suspects reportedly stole the personal belongings of Cecilia Dapaah, including assorted clothes valued at GH¢95,000, handbags, perfumes, and jewellery valued at US$95,000.

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