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Spate Of Crime And Insecurity In Ghana Alarming – Bill Ocloo2 min read

Spate Of Crime And Insecurity In Ghana Alarming – Bill Ocloo<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
A security analyst, Bill Godson Ocloo, has described the current spate of crime and insecurity in the country as alarming.

According to him, the recent attack on a bullion van at Fan Milk Junction near Ablekuma in Accra, which resulted in the shooting and killing of a police officer, as well as other related crimes prevalent in the country, poses serious national security threats.

Mr. Ocloo made these statements in an interview with this reporter in Accra.

He said, “Looking at the current economic conditions in the country, it should be envisaged that some people are prone to commit crime and engage in other vices, resulting in serious security breaches to the nation.”

The security expert described the killing of the police officer in the bullion van attack as unfortunate and called on the police hierarchy to step up their game to ensure that personnel deployed on various security duties are themselves secure.

“We are told in some reports that the slain officer in the bullion van attack died for lack of a bulletproof vest – if this is anything to go by, then more needs to be done by the authorities. All the necessary apparatus and gadgets must be provided for officers sent out on security duties to ensure that they are protected in the line of duty to forestall these happenings going forward,” he said.

He called for further training for officers on special duties to ensure that they are able to professionally combat crimes without harm to their own lives.

The security analyst also observed that the current ratio of police to the population of citizens is very low compared to other jurisdictions and called for efforts and support to the Police Service to change the status quo.

Bill Ocloo advised Ghanaians to be security conscious at all times and to promptly report suspicious characters to the security agencies so that their activities can be nipped in the bud.

He further called on the police to intensify its intelligence gathering to be well-informed in advance about the modus operandi of criminals in the interest of the peace and security of the country.

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