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Taxing Content Creators Is Unfavourable To The Space – Kwadwo Sheldon1 min read

Taxing Content Creators Is Unfavourable To The Space – Kwadwo Sheldon<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


Popular Ghanaian YouTuber, Kwadwo Sheldon has disagreed with government’s plan to tax Ghanaians who earn foreign income.

Few months ago, the Ghana Revenue Agency (GRA) revealed plans to tax Ghanaians who earn foreign income.

The tax if implemented will target content creators and influencers in Ghana who make money on global platforms like YouTube, X, Snapchat etc.

Speaking in an interview with BBC’s Daniel Dadzie, Sheldon said such a move by the government will be unfavourable to the content creating space.

He explained that content creators are already finding it difficult to monetise their content on some platforms like Facebook, Instagram and others.