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The Next NDC Government Will Jail All Corrupt NPP Officials– Sherry Ayitey2 min read

The Next NDC Government Will Jail All Corrupt NPP Officials– Sherry Ayitey<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

Sherry Ayitey, the first Chairperson of the opposition National Democratic Congress has warned corrupt officials of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) to prepare their bags since the next NDC government will parade them before court.

According to her, the next NDC government will deal with all corrupt officials in the NPP government. She adds that those found guilty of corruption will go to jail.

The veteran NDC member made the comment at the party’s 31st-anniversary celebration at Ningo-Gangan in the Assin North Constituency.

She indicated that the NDC led government would enforce the law on corruption and that, “those who need to go to prison would go to prison, those whose property need to be confiscated by the state to pay for the money they have stolen, would be done.

“The NPP government has borrowed more than twice what we did, and the sad aspect is that the government has failed to explain to Ghanaians what they have used the money for.

“Our roads, water, schools, and unemployment among others are not the best so, what are they using the money for?”, she queried.

According to her the NDC has a track record that cannot be matched by the NPP

“We have performed better during our tenure in office than our opponents who have used propaganda to throw the dust into the eyes of the people. Therefore, we have every reason to celebrate the party’s 31 years in existence. We have a better record than others.

“To the Ghanaian people and the NPP, I can say without any fear of condemnation that there is no political party as successful as the NDC.

“I say without fear of contradiction that, there is no political party that has contributed to the economic, social, and democratic transformation of the country more than the NDC,” Ns Ayitey added.


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