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‘This Is An Xmas To Forget, Dry, Dull And Boring’ – IEA’s John Kwakye1 min read

‘This Is An Xmas To Forget, Dry, Dull And Boring’ – IEA’s John Kwakye<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Director of Research at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), Dr John Kwabena Kwakye has said that this is the worst Christmas he has experienced.

According to him, the economic difficulty being experienced by many Ghanaians makes this year’s Xmas not fun at all.

“This is an Xmas to forget. Dry, dull and boring. Millions of Ghanaians can’t afford even one decent meal as a chicken costs 200gh. Yet we are told inflation is low and the economy has turned the corner. Really?” he wrote on December 26.


Dr Kwakye was reacting to an assertion by President Akufo-Addo in his Christmas message that the country’s economy has turned the corner.

‘This is an Xmas to forget, dry dull and boring’ – IEA’s John Kwakye


The President, in his Christmas address to the nation had said Ghana’s relatively stable exchange rate with a drop in inflation is an indication that the economy was bouncing back.

“Fellow Ghanaians, I am particulary glad that our nation has turned the corner following three difficult years, we and indeed, the world have faced. Inflation is being reigned in, we are experiencing a relatively stable exchange rate, and growth in our economy is rebounding.

However, Dr Kwakye said, “May be it’s turned the corner for a few but not the majority.”