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Three Agenda 111 Contracts Terminated – Dr Anthony Nsiah Asare2 min read

Three Agenda 111 Contracts Terminated – Dr Anthony Nsiah Asare<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

Presidential Advisor on Health Dr Anthony Nsiah Asare has announced the termination of contracts for three contractors involved in the construction of health facilities under the government’s Agenda 111 project.

He made this known during a press briefing held at Trede, in the Ashanti Region on Thursday, June 29, 2023.

Dr Nsiah Asare emphasised the government’s commitment to delivering high-quality healthcare facilities, which necessitated decisive action against contractors who failed to meet the required standards and fulfil their contractual obligations.

While specific details regarding the terminated contracts and the contractors involved were not disclosed, he highlighted that this step was taken to ensure the successful implementation of the Agenda 111 projects.

“We have terminated the contracts of three contractors due to non-performance and failure to meet the required standards.

“As we have indicated, we will not compromise on the standards of these hospitals and the construction timelines which is why we have moved quickly to terminate the contracts of these contractors,” he explained.

According to him, the termination serves as a demonstration of the government’s dedication to upholding rigorous standards and holding contractors accountable for their performance.

Providing an update on the progress of the project, Dr Nsiah Asare revealed that out of the planned 111 projects, 88 are currently underway and making significant progress.

He mentioned that several facilities, including a district hospital and polyclinics in the Western Region, are close to completion.

Additionally, the expansion and equipping of selected facilities are expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The hospitals being constructed under the Agenda 111 program will offer a wide range of facilities, including modern surgical theatres for maternity, obstetrics and gynaecology, male and female wards, pediatric wards, isolation wards, and more.

The hospital premises will also provide accommodation for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare personnel.

Dr Nsiah Asare reaffirmed the government’s unwavering commitment to the construction of these hospitals, considering Agenda 111 as the most significant investment in healthcare infrastructure since the country’s independence.

The government remains steadfast in its determination to provide these essential healthcare facilities.


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