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TUC Cries Over Braindrain1 min read

TUC Cries Over Braindrain<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana has expressed concern over the growing trend of brain drain in the country, as professionals leave to seek better job opportunities abroad.

According to the TUC’s Deputy Secretary General, Joshua Ansah, low salaries and unsatisfactory working conditions are the main drivers of this migration.

He particularly highlighted the challenges faced by teachers, nurses, doctors, and other professionals who struggle to make ends meet in the current economic environment of high inflation.

The TUC is working with the government and employers to address this issue, and a technical committee has been established to examine global issues pertaining to minimum wage negotiations with the government.

The TUC is seeking to improve salaries for workers to enable them to earn a better pension and provide for their families.

The union believes that it is the responsibility of all parties – the union, the government, and employers – to work together towards providing better conditions of service for workers.

The TUC’s concern over brain drain is a reflection of the larger problem of the flight of talent from Africa.

Many African countries suffer from low wages, poor working conditions, and a lack of infrastructure, which often prompts young, qualified and skilled people to seek jobs and better opportunities abroad.

The result is a loss of human capital, which can have adverse effects on the economic development of countries.

The TUC’s efforts to address this issue in partnership with the government and employers are therefore commendable and should be supported.