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TVET Interco Suspended After Kwadaso M.T.I Destroyed St. Micheal Technical Institute School Bus, Injured One Student1 min read

TVET Interco Suspended After Kwadaso M.T.I Destroyed St. Micheal Technical Institute School Bus, Injured One Student<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training(TVET) version of the Inter-Schools and Colleges sports competition in Ashanti Region has been discontinued after some students of Kwadaso Methodist Technical Institute exterminated the bus of St. Micheal Technical Institute and injured one student.

The incident happened on Monday, 29th May, 2023 at the Ramseyer Vocational Technical Institute where the competition was held.

According to a teacher at St. Michael Technical Institute, King Solomon Abora, who narrated the incident to, said before the start of the competition they had a tip-off some students of Kwadaso Methodist Technical Institute planning to beat the students of St. Michael Technical Institute.

“We confronted the P.E teacher of Kwadaso Methodist Technical Institute to advise their students about the planned aggravations because TVET schools have a bad image and he told us that their students will not do anything.”

King Solomon Abora hinted that the students of Kwadaso Methodist Technical Institute began to pelt stones at the bus of St Micheal Technical Institute.

He bemoaned that they beat one female student to a pulp.

He said she has been given exeat to seek medical care at home.


However, the statement from the authority suspending the competition read:

📍 Urgent! Urgent!!
Notice of Suspension
Following the recent trend of the Ashanti TVET sports competition, the Executive of the Federation has temporarily suspended the remaining activities until further notice.
We apologize to you all for the inconvenience that this directive may cause.
Thank you.

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