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Two Kids Drown In Abandoned Galamsey Pit At Atwima Mponua1 min read

Two Kids Drown In Abandoned Galamsey Pit At Atwima Mponua<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Two children untimely lost their lives after they drowned in an abandoned illegal mining pit at Kotokuom in the Atwima Mponua District of the Ashanti Region.The boys, three in all, had gone to their farm near the site on Sunday, June 25 when one of them fell in the pit.

The other two, 4 and 6, then attempted to rescue their friend but unfortunately got drowned.

Narrating the sad incident in an interview, eyewitness Nicholas Osei said “these three kids went to the area to check on their crop farm”.

“They have planted some crops in the area and they normally go and water them.”

He added, one was rescued but two died in the pit full of water.

The bodies of the deceased have been deposited at Nyinahin Government Hospital for autopsy and preservation while the rescued is at the same facility receiving treatment.

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