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Two Osino Presby Students Perish In Car Crash1 min read

Two Osino Presby Students Perish In Car Crash<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

A bus carrying students of Osino Presby School has crashed in a tragic accident claiming the lives of two students and scores injured at Teacher Mante, in the Eastern Region.

A Nissan minibus with the registration number GG-2071-21 transporting students of Osino Presby SHS got involved in the accident.

According to eyewitnesses the driver who was headed to Accra from Osino was speeding, the vehicle tyre burst and the driver is said to have lost control of the wheel resulting in the somersaulting.

Some residents in an early intervention help rescue the trapped students.

The bodies of the two have since been deposited at the Nsawam Hospital mortuary.

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