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UNIDO Supports 35 Artisanal Oil Palm Mills To Meet The Newly Developed GSA Regulatory Standards.2 min read

UNIDO Supports 35 Artisanal Oil Palm Mills To Meet The Newly Developed GSA Regulatory Standards.<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and partners organized a training program for oil palm processors at Kade and Twifo Hemang on September 26–27, 2023, in partnership with the Artisanal Palm Oil Millers and Outgrowers Association.

This was done to help the nation’s oil palm producers reach the newly developed standards of oil palm production with funding from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and partners.

The training brought experts from the Ghana Standard Authority, Food And Drugs Authority(FDA), Oil Palm Research Institute ( OPRI) and Tree Crops Development Authority to help in educating oil palm producers about the new developed standards and traceability system.

The initiative would also make sure that completed goods met both domestic and international market standards while improving market access for employees along the palm oil value chain in the producing regions.

Over 200 processors were trained and 35 mills selected as part of the partnership between Artisanal Palm Oil Millers and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and partners to encourage artisanal palm oil producers to adhere to the newly developed standards.

UNIDO supported the Association with 35 mills to have all mandatory certifications ( facility license) to be able to enroll on our traceability platform developed by the Association.

The Association will keep an eye on and enforce the country’s oil palm preparation and sales regulations.

On the other hand, Artisanal Palm Oil Millers have been trying to change the country’s oil palm industry by promoting the best management and milling methods through its Palm Oil Programme.

Mr. Paul-Kwabena-Amaning, President of the Artisanal Palm Oil Millers and Outgrowers Association of Ghana, indicated that under the agreement, a training session on food safety and good manufacturing standards in the manufacture of palm oil would be held for employees throughout the value chain.

“It would cover areas like the hygienic sterilization and digestion of the palm fruits, identifying food safety risks during processing, using potable water for palm oil processing, handling waste, test management strategies, cleaning and positioning of milling equipment, and personal hygiene of mill workers, among others.”

The Artisanal Palm Oil Millers and Outgrowers Association of Ghana is currently seeking financial assistance from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and partners- other businesses to support this packaging training program to advance the oil palm industry and improve food safety and export.

He added that he hoped the funding from the United Nations Industrial Development Organization(UNIDO) and partners would enable artisanal oil palm growers to process safe and high-quality goods and was cited as saying that his organization was delighted with the partnership.