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Unique Educational Complex Stuns in Perfect Star Media and Perfect Grade Publications and Stationery Basic Schools Assessment Audition1 min read

Unique Educational Complex Stuns in Perfect Star Media and Perfect Grade Publications and Stationery Basic Schools Assessment Audition<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

On the third day of the Perfect Star Media and Perfect Grade Publications and Stationery Basic Schools Assessment Competition, Unique Educational Complex from Konongo took the stage.

Their exceptional performance left the organizers, including Pastor Philip Sarpong, CEO of Perfect Star Media and Perfect Grade Publications and Stationery, thoroughly impressed.

In an interview with Time News after the assessment, Pastor Sarpong expressed his astonishment at the large number of students from Unique Educational Complex who participated and excelled.

He remarked on the students’ brilliance and their outstanding scores, emphasizing that this audition phase is just the beginning, with the real competition yet to come.

Pastor Sarpong was particularly amazed by the students’ preparation and their ability to answer the questions accurately. He underscored the importance of such competitions in evaluating students’ critical thinking skills and called for more frequent assessments to better gauge students’ abilities.

Mr. Agyemang Duah, Director of Unique Educational Complex, praised the Perfect Series textbooks and expressed pride in his school’s participation.

He confidently declared that Unique Educational Complex is the best school in Asante Akyem, crediting the teachers’ dedication and the students’ intelligence for their success.

Headmaster Mr. Charles Appiah Kubi echoed these sentiments, asserting that their school is the largest and best in Asante Akyem.

He expressed confidence in their ability to perform well in every competition they enter, particularly with the use of Perfect Series textbooks.

The teachers also expressed their motivation and preparation, claiming they are not afraid of any competition.


The students themselves displayed optimism and credited their teachers’ guidance for their success in the assessment.

While some expressed confidence in their own abilities, others placed their trust in God for a victorious outcome.