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Very Soon Our Parliament Will Be Taken Over By People With Fat Pockets – Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu2 min read

Very Soon Our Parliament Will Be Taken Over By People With Fat Pockets – Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>


Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has warned against monecracy in politics is dangerous and particularly for parliament.

According to him, politicians do not give any items without considering or expecting anything in return and when people allow for money to drive them, others expect same from them and when they get into positions like parliament, such people then begin to demand their ‘pay back’.

It is why corruption festers and is growing he says because for instance, once one works for someone and his party gains power, they expect something in return and that is how it all continues.

Speaking in an exclusive interview, Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu said, “I have been repeating everywhere that no one is in politics who is a father Christmas. If the person gives you something, by way of cola, drinks, envelope which should translate into money, if it’s physical money, you know that that person is not a father Christmas.”

The NPP MP further noted that for parliament for example, parliamentary candidates have been seen displaying wealth and food items to garner votes and all these translate to corruption.

When such people get into parliament and their constituents demand from them, they also try to cut corners from government to meet those needs, he added.

“So when he comes to parliament and his party wins and you give him a responsibility, where he is able to award contracts for instance, contracts will be cut.

“There are no two ways about that and the nation will never have value for money when people begin to complain that politicians are corrupt, but we are cultivating corruption at the very outset, people coming in. So it’s very dangerous, if you don’t take care, very soon, our parliament will be taken over with people with fat wallets,” he further noted.

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