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(VIDEO) Akufo-Addo Has Groomed Bawumia Well To Succeed Him – Nana Oteatuoso1 min read

(VIDEO) Akufo-Addo Has Groomed Bawumia Well To Succeed Him – Nana Oteatuoso<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Etwienana Baffour Oteatuso Kokobeng II, says President Akufo-Addo has groomed Dr Bawumia well to succeed him in 2025.

Nana Oteatuoso II’s comment comes at the back of when the Vice President recently welcomed Japanese Prime Minister, H.E Fumio Kishida to Ghana.

Nana Oteatuso Kokobeng II spoke on the Di Bawumia Ho Adanse3 and was captured by

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