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(VIDEO) Kumasi Needs A New Re-engineering Of Drainage System – Sam Pyne1 min read

(VIDEO) Kumasi Needs A New Re-engineering Of Drainage System – Sam Pyne<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Mayor Of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly(KMA) Hon. Samuel Pyne has bemoaned the drainage system in the Metropolis.

According to Sam Pyne who was speaking on the maiden edition of Ama Ghana Morning Show on Time FM, Kumasi needs a new re-engineering of a drainage system.

His comment comes after a heavy rainstorm hit some areas in Kumasi recently sweeping away four people including two NADMO officials.

“Our challenge is those who throw rubbish and build on waterways,” he told the host Kwame Koranteng aka Information Minister

Hon. Sam Pyne advised people to be security conscious especially when raining.

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