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VIDEO: Letting Offenders Go Scot-Free Leads To Hooliganism In Politics – Richard Kumadoe1 min read

VIDEO: Letting Offenders Go Scot-Free Leads To Hooliganism In Politics – Richard Kumadoe<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Founder, Independent Election Security and Compliance Watch, Richard Kumadoe has stated that political fraud actors that go unpunished lead to hooliganism.

He explained that inconclusive investigations promote bad behavior in the society.

Speaking on Ama Ghana Show on Time FM, he said laws have been passed already but implementation is the problem.

Mr. Kumadoe said the country is facing problems of selfishness, tribalism and wickedness which lead the country into bad state.

Video below…