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(VIDEO) Unemployment Is A Major Cause Of Violence In Ghana’s Politics – Lawyer Anokye Frimpong1 min read

(VIDEO) Unemployment Is A Major Cause Of Violence In Ghana’s Politics – Lawyer Anokye Frimpong<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

A Lawyer and Historian, Lawyer Anokye Frimpong has disclosed that unemployment is the major cause of violent in the country’s politics.

The Historian reiterated that almost all violent countries have high unemployment rate.

According to him, when there is proper management and good governance in a country, the end result will be high employment rate and will foster peace.

Appearing on Time FM’s Ama Ghana Morning Show, Lawyer Anokye Frimpong cited United Kingdom as a country that gives unemployment benefits to their citizens who are unemployed and this makes them peaceful.
