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WANEP Describes Coup Attempt In Niger As Hapless1 min read

WANEP Describes Coup Attempt In Niger As Hapless<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
An army spokesperson says security forces are "putting an end to the regime you know"

 An army spokesperson says security forces are “putting an end to the regime you know”

he West Africa Network for Peace building, WANEP has described the purported Coup d’etat in Niger as an unfortunate development. 

The National Network Coordinator, Albert Yelyang said even though there are issues of governance in Niger, a military takeover is not an option.

He expressed the fear that if care is not taken, there could be spill over into neighbouring countries.

He called on regional bodies like ECOWAS and AU to immediately start negotiations with the military and the ousted government to find an amicable way out.

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