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We’ll Surely Get You- Police Tell Ablekuma Robbers2 min read

We’ll Surely Get You- Police Tell Ablekuma Robbers<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

The Ghana Police have assured the public that they will do everything in their power to apprehend the armed robbers responsible for the heinous crime in the Ablekuma area on Thursday, June 22, 2023 where an officer was killed.

In a shocking incident that has sent shockwaves across the community, an officer of the Service was killed by robbers in what it is believed to be a fuel station robbery.

Information gathered by DGN Online indicates that the robbers who were robbing the Star Oil Filling Station at Ablekuma Fan Milk, a suburb of Accra reportedly chanced on a bullion van with a Police officer onboard which had called at the station to collect daily sales to the bank.

Upon arrival of the bullion van, the armed robbers on motorbikes numbering about four zoomed on the van as one of them opened the door of the police officer, and sprayed bullets on him and later took his weapon.

They then jumped on their motorbikes and sped off with bag believed to be containing cash.

The incident has sparked outrage among the public and the police have issued a stern warning to the perpetrators.

In a statement released by the police, they expressed their condolences to the family of the deceased officer and to all the personnel of the Service.

The police have vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice, and have launched a massive manhunt to track down the culprits. They have called on the public to assist them in their efforts by sharing any information they may have that could lead to the arrest of the suspects.

The killing of the police officer has once again highlighted the dangers faced by law enforcement officials in the line of duty. It has also underscored the need for the public to support the police in their efforts to maintain law and order in the country.

The police have urged the public to remain calm and vigilant, and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
They have also reiterated their commitment to protecting the safety of all citizens and to upholding the rule of law.

“The police are on a manhunt to arrest a gang of four robbers who attacked a bullion van at Ablekuma Fanmilk, a suburb of Accra and shot the police escort who has unfortunately passed on,” a statement from the police said.

“Our prayers and thoughts are with the family of our deceased colleague in particular and all personnel of the Police Service in general.
“We wish to assure the public that we will surely get the robbers arrested to face justice.”

In the wake of this tragic incident, the Ghana Police Service has appealed to the public to support them in their efforts to maintain law and order in the country, and to help them bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice.

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