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Woman Kills Rival Over Boyfriend1 min read

Woman Kills Rival Over Boyfriend<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


A 25-year-old seamstress apprentice, Mary Akosua Agyemang, has been remanded in police custody for allegedly killing a fellow woman in a row over her boyfriend.

Vida Anning, 28, was stabbed in the face, breast and palm by her rival at Edwenase near Kokotro in the Bekwai Municipality of the Ashanti Region on Sunday evening during a brawl on who is rightfully suited to be the fiancée of the man, an excavator operator.

Vida was stabbed numerous times and bled to death in the fight, which was thought to be settled with fists, according to facts made available to the Bekwai Circuit Court.

According to reports, suspect Mary Akosua Agyemang aka Serwaa confronted Vida Anning and accused her of spreading rumours about her and the man, which sparked the altercation.

In the process, Mary hurried to get a sharp knife and stabbed her adversary, DAILY GUIDE gathered.

She was later arrested by the Bekwai police together with two others, Felicia Sarpong, 61, and Ernest Achirem, 63, for attempting to hide Mary from arrest.

All three were arraigned yesterday at Bekwai Circuit Court and placed in police custody to assist with investigations. They are scheduled to appear in court again on April 26.

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