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Yaya Toure Slams Media For Promoting Harmful Stereotypes About African Curses2 min read

Yaya Toure Slams Media For Promoting Harmful Stereotypes About African Curses<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
Former Manchester City midfielder Yaya Toure has criticised the media for promoting “lazy stereotypes” about African curses after his former agent, Dimitry Seluk, claimed that a curse had been lifted from City manager Pep Guardiola.

Toure took to Twitter to distance himself from the controversy, stating that “amplifying these stereotypes can be harmful.”

The curse by “shamans” was reportedly placed on Guardiola by Seluk after he fell out with the manager over Toure’s treatment at the club.

Many believe that the curse has prevented Guardiola from winning the Champions League with City, despite winning it twice before with Barcelona. The closest City have come to breaking the curse was in 2021 when they reached the final, only to be beaten by Premier League rivals Chelsea.

In an interview with The Mirror, Seluk apologised for the controversy and claimed that the curse had been lifted.

He expressed his hope that City would win the Champions League this season, stating that “they have a good chance of winning it this year. But whatever happens they will definitely win it in the next three years.”

“I want to apologise for this matter. I think it is time for this bitterness to stop – and I know that Yaya feels the same because he wishes nothing but success for City. I can say that the spell has now been lifted by the shamans – and that I think City will win the Champions League under Pep,” Seluk said to The Mirror.

“They have a good chance of winning it this year. But whatever happens, they will definitely win it in the next three years. Do you remember when I once criticised City for not giving Yaya a cake on his birthday? Well, it is my birthday this month and my present is for this curse to be ended. In fact, it is my hope that City win the Treble this season.”

City are currently the favourites to win both the Premier League and the FA Cup, but face a tough challenge in the semi-finals of the Champions League against Real Madrid, who knocked them out at the same stage last season.

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