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Zoomlion Clears Refuse Heaps In Five Districts In Oti Region2 min read

Zoomlion Clears Refuse Heaps In Five Districts In Oti Region<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>



A total of five refuse dumping sites with accumulated heaps of refuse in the Oti are expected to be cleared. The clearing of the five refuse sites forms part of the ongoing nationwide refuse evacuation exercise across the country.

The exercise, which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and waste management company Zoomlion, seeks to tackle mounting refuse challenges across the country to improve sanitation and the hygienic well-being of Ghanaians.

In a significant step towards environmental preservation and improved sanitation, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, in collaboration with a leading waste management company, Zoomlion, has joined forces with Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in the country to evacuate accumulated refuse heaps in the country.

This forms part of the government’s ongoing cleaning Ghana agenda, which seeks to improve sanitation and hygienic living conditions in the country.

Five districts in the Oti Region are expected to benefit from the refuse evacuation exercise. They include Krachi East, Biakoye, Nkwanta North, Jasikan, and Kajebi Districts.

At the launch of the exercise in the Nkwanta North District, the Oti regional Coordinator for Zoomlion, Mr. Safians Abdullah, said the ongoing exercise will see specialised waste management vehicles deployed across the region to efficiently collect and transport the accumulated waste to proper disposal facilities.

He added that the operation will be undertaken with the highest level of adherence to environmental guidelines, ensuring minimal impact on the region’s natural surroundings. He emphasised that Zoomlion remains committed to fostering a clean and healthy environment for the residents of the region.

The District Chief Executive for Nkwanta North, Mr. William Kidignang Nawugma, lauded the joint initiative and underscored the importance of continued collaboration to sustain the positive outcomes of the refuse evacuation exercise.

“It is incumbent upon us to manage our immediate environment and surroundings so far as sanitation is concerned,” he said.

He added, “Steps taken in moving forward are to make sure that we get somebody here so that whoever will come with any rubbish to dump will pay twenty pesewas.”

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