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Appiatse Reconstruction Reaches Advanced Stage2 min read

Appiatse Reconstruction Reaches Advanced Stage<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>



Government’s commitment to rebuild Appiatse, a mining community in the Prestea Huni Valley Municipality of the Western Region which was razed by an explosion, is on course.

Currently, works on the first phase of the community’s reconstruction have reached an advanced stage, and the project will be handed over for use by the end of the year.

To this end, the initial impression of uncertainty about the rebuilding of the community by government from the indigenes of the area, has changed.

This was disclosed by the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Appiatse Reconstruction Committee, Thywill Quarshie in an interview on the progress of work.

The Appiatse community was razed down on Thursday, January 20, 2022, when a truck carrying explosives to a mining site exploded in the community.

About 13 people were reported to have died from the incident, with several others sustaining different degrees of injuries.

The current government promised to ensure the reconstruction of about 124 housing that were destroyed and rebuild the community.

The PRO for the reconstruction committee said that aside the housing units, all the roads in the area are also being reconstructed, adding, “Almost all the drainage system have been completed.”

He pointed out that the construction of the buildings are also at finishing stages, and added that it is left with the electrical works. He was hopeful that by the end of the year, the first phase of the project would be handed over for use.

He praised government for its commitment that has ensured the speedy rate of construction of the housing units, and said if it had not been the intermittent rainfall, the project would have been completed.

He also commended other organisations and individuals who supported the people in diverse ways when the incident occurred.

He, however, called on Ghanaians and other philanthropists to continue to support the community since the ultimate target has not yet been reached.

He said at the moment, the affected residents are still being accommodated in tents, a building that was given out by a mining company in the Western Region.


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