Germany Passes Bill To Legalize Cannabis For Recreational Purposes1 min read

The legislation proposed by the executive will make it possible to purchase up to 18 grams from the age of 25
The German government has approved the bill which provides for the legalization of cannabis to recreational purposes. This is a further step forward for the bill which, however, will now have to be examined by Parliament. The legislation proposed by the executive will make it possible to purchase up to 18 grams of cannabis from the age of 25. According to the bill, it will also be possible to grow up to three cannabis plants for personal use.
The new legislation provides for the creation of non-profit associations whose adult members – their number is limited to 500 – will be able to cultivate the plant for self-consumption, under the supervision of the public authorities. These “Cannabis Social Clubs” – as they have been termed – will have a regulated activity in terms of the supply and age of the people to whom cannabis will be distributed.
Furthermore, consumption must take place outside these clubs and will be prohibited within 200 meters of schools, playgrounds, sports fields and youth associations. In conjunction with the bill, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach plans to launch an awareness campaign aimed at young people on the dangers of cannabis for the brain “particularly harmful when it is still in a period of growth”.