Ghana Committed To Refugee Conventions1 min read

Ghana has restated its commitment to the treaties on refugees.
A statement issued by the Ministry of the Interior expressed concern about a narrative that some Burkinabes seeking asylum in the country were being expelled.
Ghana, the statement pointed out, has hosted refugees since the 1960s and continues to do so.
Ghana is signatory of the UN 1951 Convention relating to the status of refugees and the OAU 1969 Convention governing the specific aspects of refugee problem in Africa, the statement added.
Ghana has welcomed and protected persons fleeing persecution and generalised violence of the vulnerable.
Ghana continues to host refugees from 30 countries with the Ghana Refugees Board registering such persons.
Continuing, the statement pointed out that over 3,200 refugees have been registered with the assistance of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the UN Refugee Agency.
The Ghana Refugees Board has set up refugee reception centres at Tarikrom and in the process of creating more appropriate centres in the future through the acquisition of land for such development.
Burkinabes continue to enter Ghana on the account of terrorist activities in that country.