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High Attrition Rate: Ghana Is Experiencing Serious General Structural Problem – Dr. Francis Tandoh1 min read

High Attrition Rate: Ghana Is Experiencing Serious General Structural Problem – Dr. Francis Tandoh<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Senior Lecturer at the Garden City University College, Dr. Francis Tandoh has pointed out structural defective as one of Ghana’s major problems.

Dr. Tandoh continued that all professionals, skilled and unskilled workers are leaving the country for greener pastures including our leaders who are to work on the welfare of the citizenry.

Speaking on Ama Ghana Morning Show on Time 97.7 FM in Kumasi on Monday, the Senior Lecturer added that corruption and arrogance on the part of authorities have led Ghana this far.

“Ghana is where it is because we don’t have well structured plan as a country. Proper measures should be put in place to reduce unemployment rate and dependency on professionals if not, it will continue like that,” he told host, Kwame Koranteng.
