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I Got Pregnant At Age 22- Sandra Ababio2 min read


Kumawood actress, Sandra Ababio has disclosed that she got pregnant by a 50-year-old man when she was 22.

According to her, one Kay, a friend of her brother broke her virginity at 20. She revealed that she dated him for a while before she cheated on him with the old man who got her pregnant.

She made the revelation on The Delay Show, which was aired on Sunday, September 3, 2023, when she spoke about her private life.

“I met someone called Kay; I got to know him through my elder brother because they were friends. I was 20 at the time and he was the one who broke my virginity. After he broke my virginity, I changed and started living my life, having fun,” she disclosed.

She continued that it was at that moment she met the old man.

“He showed interest in me and I said yes to him. I was still with Kay, cheating on him with the man and he [Kay] could call me on the phone expressing fury but I wouldn’t be bothered.

“The man impregnated me. He was in Ghana after sixteen years of living in London. He was a mature man, almost 50 years old. He told me he’s not married,” she indicated.

Sandra said the man “had been showing interest in me but I wasn’t giving him the attention. He seemed to have told some elderly men how he felt about me so whenever I went out to buy something, I would be told he had communicated his feelings to them. They would send me to deliver items to the man and that was how I got pregnant for him.”

She explained that she later discovered that the man lied to her.

“It was when I got pregnant that he told me he couldn’t marry me because he wasn’t divorced. He had come to do knocking after he impregnated me and I stayed with him at his house at Regimanuel Estate. We stayed under the same roof for about six years,” she said.

She concluded that she had a daughter and she is 15 years old now. She is also no longer with the father of her daughter.

1 Comment

  1. Lelia H

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